Cain had zero chance of winning – and I was (and still am) a huge Cain fan. First, 9-9-9 isn’t an answer to foreign policy questions. The press would have skinned him alive if he became a contender. Also the affair allegations would have made every leftist in the press forget that presidents cheating on their wives is a good thing.Personally, I would have LOVED to have seen Cain as the Secretary of the Treasury in a Romney adei.istrationnRmply
jo ahir vaig ser a Sant Llorenç del Munt collint farigola i romaní, que per cert està <a href="http://hhqkfsoeuf.com">imeamssionrntpent</a> florit aquest any&#8230; Tot i que em sembla que no en deixen collir, cosa de les normatives dels Parcs Naturals, en vam aplegar la justa per poder cuinar aquests dies i per perfumar la furgoneta. Salut!

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